We believe in the infallible Word of God from Genesis to Revelation. Applying God's word in our lives allows Him to work through us. The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit and every word is true. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Son of Man, fully divine and fully human, born of a virgin. His birth, death, and resurrection fulfill God's Word. We believe in the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who are co-equal, co-eternal, and all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present. We embrace the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit to develop the character of Christ. We believe in baptism, including water baptism, baptism of tongues, and the baptism of fire. We believe in the signs, miracles, and wonders of God. Heaven and hell exist: eternal glory for those on the narrow path and eternal torment for those on the broad path. There is a spiritual war between Satan and his forces and the Lord God and His holy angels. Though the righteous face afflictions, the Lord delivers them. Jesus Christ will build His perfect Church, and His kingdom will have no end. Upon His return, we will rule and reign with Him. Maranatha: Come Lord Jesus